Well. It's only a few days away until our much anticipated vacation to none other than JAPAN!
Yes, folks. This winter holiday, we'll be jetting off to Japan. We're planning on going to Kyoto and Tokyo, maybe making an impromptu trip to Osaka. We'll see. I'm planning to vlog about the trip, so stay tuned for that.
I haven't really start planning on what to bring, which is quite unlike me. Okay, that's a little lie. I've made a list of things already, but it's not finished yet. Normally I've finished those planning lists (clothing plans, itinerary, etc.) a month prior to any trips/events/whatnot. I'm meticulous like that. I really should be getting around to finish those soon so I can start to actually pack stuff sooner. Mind you, with two kids, I wouldn't want to forget anything important without some careful planning!
If you want to know about my planning lists and whatnot, please leave a comment!
If you want to know about my planning lists and whatnot, please leave a comment!
On another note, I can't believe 2016 is almost nearing its end. To be quite honest, I personally thought 2016 was a pretty trying year for most of us. I don't know about you, but I thought it wasn't the best year. I know every year, everyone bound to have their highs and lows. But I really think 2016 is really really trying. Not to mention exhausting for the eyes and ears.
Although I did experience some great things, but overall 2016 was quite disappointing in general. From the US Presidential election result (good luck on quickly going downhill uhmerica) to our country's current racial/religious issues we are facing.
I really hope for a better and greater year in 2017.