Saturday, January 7, 2017

Hello 2017!

Happy New Year everybody!

I think 2016 has been a pretty sucky year in general for the world, as I've probably already mentioned in my previous post. However, despite all the sucky thing that's happening around the world, 2016 still has some of its perks in my life personally. There has been some amazing moments here and there. But all in all, I'm glad 2016 is done and I'm hoping for a better 2017 for myself and the rest of the world.


Speaking of which, I have been back from my Japan trip a few days ago, but I haven't gotten my groove back to blog about it. Give me a hot minute and I'll get around to it ASAP. I promise. It's just that soon as I'm back in the hometown, I have been super occupied with so many things that I couldn't just sit still for a minute in front of my computer to blog.

This trip, I didn't manage to produce any materials for a vlog, and I didn't manage to produce too many pictures mainly because: a). my younger kid was being a bit difficult during the trip, and b). our schedule was so packed, I was just basically couldn't care less to document too much. So forgive me if I don't have much 'materials' to show you. But I will try my best to tell a good story about the trip.

So, yeah. I hope everyone had a good New Year's party (or staying at home comfortably ringing new year) and let's all hope for a better year ahead!


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