Monday, December 30, 2019

Singapore Vlog #1

We went on a year end trip to Singapore just a few days before Christmas. The trip was just the four of us and it was so much fun. This is part 1 of the three part videos that I'll be posting over the course of the next couple of days (weeks?).

Merry (Belated) Christmas everyone!

Day 1 - December 16, 2019

We took the morning flight using Singapore Airlines. Arrived just in time for a quick lunch (the kids wanted McDonalds!) at the airport before the driver picked us up to go to our hotel.

We checked into our hotel at Mandarin Orchard and then settled in for a bit before we made our way to my son's doctor appointment at the Mt. Elizabeth Novena hospital. One of the main reason for this trip was to take my son to have a thorough allergy checkup to see anything related with his eczema problem and more.

We saw Dr. Liew (he's amazing and very thorough). After about an hour or so of consultation, Dr. Liew suggested that we return for a stool test the following day at the lab.

After the appointment, we went to Dover Street Market to get my husband's birthday gift. And then, due to lack of sleep, we decided to just head back to Orchard and had dinner at this ramen restaurant nearby our hotel (at the 313 Somerset) which I forgot the name of. It was delicious and what a perfect meal to end our day.

Day 2 - December 17, 2019

Woke up a bit late. After breakfast, we took our son to get his stool tested at the lab. It was a rainy day, so we just stroll around Orchard area while waiting for the test results.

After lunch, my husband wanted to go to Funan to check out the bike stores over there. The kids are still a bit knackered and we didn't want to over tire them since we are planning a long day ahead the following day (hint: USS, baby!) so I decided to just take the kids shopping around the Orchard area.

We had an early takeout dinner of Tori-Q back in our hotel room.

Ready for Day 3!

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