Friday, February 22, 2019

Chit Chat

What has been up in my life?

Quite a lot actually. But none that I'd like to share to the world because it's very personal and I'm very particular with what I share in public. I am a pretty private person.

Not many people know this about me. But I'm struggling with anxiety. The last couple of.. weeks? Months? I don't even know. I've been dealing with so many things internally, but I think I just sort of bottled it all up. I thought all of that might burst out any moment now. But I'm putting up a strong facade.

I haven't found the perfect outlet to deal with it. But don't worry. I'm working on it. I'm trying my best.

Thank you to whoever listening out there. If there's any.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Fashion Friday: Faves

My everyday color palette mainly circles around the neutral spectrums. 

What I'm wearing: Zara eyelet white top (no longer available) - ASOS Farleigh high waist slim mom jeans in light stone wash (shop here) - Chanel boy bag - Chanel flat shoes

Bullet Journal: February

I experienced some major creative block for this month's setup. That is why, I'm keeping things super simple, easy and clean. And as cliche as it sounds, the theme for the month of February bullet journal set up is "hearts". Another reason is because I really want to use this new Tombow dual brush pen in rose blush color as it looks so pretty.

And as always, there's a video link at the end for you to see how I did my February setup. Enjoy.